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Men's Basketball - Mid-Continent (2005-2006)
Conf. RPI Rank: 29    Conf. SOS Rank: 28

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Only games against Division I opponents are counted.
Teams that made the tournament are in bold
Rankings update every 5 mins.
Last updated - Tue Mar 14 06:26:37 PST 2006

Mid-Continent Conf All RPI Rk RPI SOS Rk SOS
Oral Roberts 16-3  20-11134  0.5146 233  0.4674
IUPUI 14-4  17-10153  0.5029 294  0.4416
Valparaiso 9-9  16-12182  0.4846 301  0.4392
Chicago St. 10-9  11-19228  0.4618 206  0.4773
Mizzou KC 11-6  13-14266  0.4421 322  0.4243
Oakland 6-11  9-18285  0.4278 270  0.4541
Southern Utah 8-9  9-20303  0.4036 311  0.4349
Western Ill. 3-14  5-21317  0.3825 287  0.4486
Centenary 2-14  3-23326  0.3719 254  0.4604

2004-2005 Mid-Continent standings

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