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Men's Basketball - Pacific-10 (2005-2006)
Conf. RPI Rank: 7    Conf. SOS Rank: 7

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Only games against Division I opponents are counted.
Teams that made the tournament are in bold
Rankings update every 5 mins.
Last updated - Tue Mar 14 06:26:37 PST 2006

Pacific-10 Conf All RPI Rk RPI SOS Rk SOS
UCLA 17-4  27-6 0.6293 29  0.5719
Arizona 12-8  19-1223  0.6007 7  0.5948
Washington 13-6  24-636  0.5922 92  0.5303
California 14-7  20-1055  0.5764 61  0.5496
Stanford 11-8  15-1385  0.5457 60  0.5496
USC 8-11  16-13116  0.5269 93  0.5293
Oregon 9-12  14-18149  0.5061 73  0.5424
Washington St. 4-15  11-17169  0.4928 77  0.5395
Arizona St. 5-14  11-17180  0.4865 82  0.5367
Oregon St. 6-14  13-18181  0.4863 118  0.5165

2004-2005 Pacific-10 standings

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