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Men's Basketball - Mid-Continent (2006-2007)

Conf. RPI Rank: 22    Conf. SOS Rank: 21

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Only games against Division I opponents are counted.
Teams that made the tournament are in bold
Rankings update every 5 mins.
Last updated - Sun Mar 11 22:55:06 PST 2007      Switch to Power Ratings

RPI Rk Mid-Continent Conf All RPI SOS Rk SOS
Up 7 From Last Week89 Oral Roberts 15-2  22-10 0.5505 169  0.4924
Down 3 From Last Week124 Oakland 11-5  17-14 0.5223 168  0.4926
Down 6 From Last Week167 Valparaiso 9-6  15-15 0.4928 193  0.4805
Up 8 From Last Week206 Southern Utah 6-9  14-14 0.4746 277  0.4504
Up 1 From Last Week208 IUPUI 8-8  13-15 0.4730 219  0.4718
Up 9 From Last Week245 Mizzou KC 7-9  11-19 0.4487 220  0.4711
Up 2 From Last Week296 Centenary 3-12  10-21 0.4178 251  0.4611
Down 1 From Last Week328 Western Ill. 3-12  5-23 0.3708 299  0.4414

2005-2006 Mid-Continent standings

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