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Women's Basketball - Independents (2008-2009)

Conf. RPI Rank: 31    Conf. SOS Rank: 31

Only games against Division I opponents are counted.
Teams that made the tournament are in bold
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Last updated - Mon Mar 16 09:01:02 EDT 2009

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RPI Rk Independents Conf All RPI SOS Rk SOS
132 CSU Bakersfield 4-0  18-9 0.5156 265  0.4601
Up 2 From Last Week152 Utah Valley 7-1  15-10 0.5071 226  0.4723
Down 2 From Last Week252 Chicago St. 6-4  14-13 0.4428 336  0.4134
Down 1 From Last Week271 N.C. Central 5-2  10-17 0.4315 308  0.4372
Down 2 From Last Week285 Bryant 1-0  11-18 0.4237 332  0.4171
294 Houston Baptist 0-3  4-13 0.4148 285  0.4505
307 Texas Pan Amer. 5-7  11-16 0.4008 340  0.3982
Down 1 From Last Week319 N.J.I.T. 5-9  8-21 0.3867 338  0.4085
323 Longwood 2-5  8-21 0.3828 333  0.4151
Up 1 From Last Week330 Winston-Salem 0-1  6-23 0.3711 305  0.4397
Down 1 From Last Week331 Savannah St. 2-5  5-22 0.3710 319  0.4327

2007-2008 Independents standings

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