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Men's Basketball - Independents (2011-2012)

Conf. RPI Rank: 31    Conf. SOS Rank: 29

Only games against Division I opponents are counted.
Teams that made the tournament are in bold
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Last updated - Sun Mar 11 16:00:00 PST 2012

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RPI Rk Independents Conf All RPI SOS Rk SOS
215 CSU Bakersfield 3-1  13-14 0.4700 286  0.4526
231 Utah Valley 11-2  16-12 0.4630 339  0.4161
242 North Dakota 9-4  13-14 0.4563 321  0.4331
278 Seattle 2-2  9-15 0.4324 256  0.4643
303 N.J.I.T. 8-9  11-17 0.4121 337  0.4179
313 Texas Pan Amer. 6-7  7-21 0.4000 272  0.4576
323 Houston Baptist 3-8  7-20 0.3880 300  0.4457
332 Longwood 1-4  6-21 0.3755 335  0.4195
336 Chicago St. 2-8  3-25 0.3668 282  0.4529

2010-2011 Independents standings

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